Indian IT Companies to benefit from healthcare reforms

Barrack Obama’s healthcare victory is going to be a boon for Indian IT and offshoring companies. This historic win of Obama is likely to fetch Indian IT companies deal worth Rs. 1.2 lakh crore. The US Supreme Court upheld the law that many believe will change the face of America’s healthcare sector.

A rough figure estimates that more than 25 million American citizen will buy healthcare insurance. Interestingly, the healthcare reform will ensure that every single medical practitioner will have a centralized data center in digital format. This will result in massive data conversion for electronic records for insurance claim and other processes.

This will largely benefit Indian outsourcing companies, and they have started to look at companies who will offshore this process. This will help Indian companies to have a better understanding of the process and learn the complexities.

America’s earlier process were all aimed at bringing back job to the US citizen, but most of the policy failed to take shape since the need to outsource was always the prequisite for the American industry. Offshore outsourcing has only seen to be climbing the graph, mainly for the reason that it is cheap and affordable. Companies in US have also targeted in that front where they could bring in more business and jobs, but on the contrary it seems they have to implement more measures.

Finally outsourcing to India will grow, because with new healthcare regulations compliance will be increasingly complex, so it becomes obvious that Indian companies will have to take up the challenge and make a beginning.