Tej Kohli Foundation Works To Provide Healthcare To India’s Poorest People

A recent review of public healthcare spending indicates that India ranks 171 out of 175 countries in the amount of money spent. India spends less than 5.2 percent of the GDP – 4.3 percent is contributed by the private sector leaving the government to spend only 0.9 percent on public healthcare.

While India has made great economic strides over the past decade, it is still the poorest country in the world with 51 percent of its population or 844 million people living in oppressive poverty. While the economic development of the country is proceeding at a sound pace, the health of the population is dropping. The urgent need to provide basic healthcare to India’s most impoverished people is a concern of many different humanitarian and religious relief groups.

The Tej Kohli Foundation, a privately funded non-profit humanitarian relief organization based in Guragaon, India, is one of the many charities offering aid and assistance to thousands of India’s poorest children. Compelled by an awareness of the need and by a heartfelt desire to help make the world a healthier, happier place, India born entrepreneur Tej Kohli established the foundation in 2005. Entirely financially funded by Mr. Kohli, the Tej Kohli Foundation attempts to lift the burden of poverty by providing food, educational opportunities, clean drinking water, adequate sanitation and medical services to India’s poorest people.

Tej Kohli, visionary philanthropist, international businessman and chief donor to the Tej Kohli Foundation notes, “Children determine the future. If a country nurtures these children’s talents from a young age, it will be capable of raising its living standards. The Tej Kohli Foundation cannot cater to each and every child in India but we hope our work will encourage our country to unite and make life better for Indian children”.

Staffed by a compassionate group of dedicated volunteers, the Tej Kohli Foundation strives to reduce poverty and illiteracy, launching education and health programs in both India and Costa Rica. The Tej Kohli Foundation operates on the premise that -the desire to help others is a primary human drive that, if harnessed correctly, inestimably benefits those who receive it.- Holding a diverse portfolio of commercial and charitable operations in India, the Americas, the Middle East and Europe, Tej Kohli is an international businessman and compassionate philanthropist; a shining example of -compassion in action.-

“I’m just happy to help spread a little bit of happiness into their lives,” says Tej. “And as we grow we’ll help a lot more people have a chance at a lasting, brighter future.”