Will The President’s Job Bill Hurt Healthcare Jobs

In light of President Obama’s recent speech outlining his plan to create jobs, critics on both sides of the isle question whether or not his plan will be helpful or harmful. Even in unlikely sectors like health care, there is speculation that the Obama bill could be a job killing one. According to industry experts, health care is one of the few sectors that have continued to add jobs despite a persistent economic downturn – about 74,000 in 2010. The problem with the Obama bill is its effect on Medicare and Medicaid.

Impact of Cuts on Healthcare Jobs

Of the previously mentioned is 74,000 healthcare jobs added last year, almost 40% were in the field of assisted living. It is a field which accounts for a fair amount of growth in the overall industry as the American population continues to age. Unfortunately, the vast majority of patients who utilize assisted living do so on Medicare and Medicaid dollars. If the President’s plan is successful in cutting spending for Medicare and Medicaid programs, it could jeopardize the health of many assisted living facilities to the point that they will be forced to close.

Causing further concern is the implementation of universal healthcare beginning in 2014. That law, which was signed back in 2010, may also result in drastic cuts in government medical spending. Hospitals all over the country that depend on government funding for a variety of purposes will have to realign their budgets, forcing them to reduce their workforces. It seems as though a perfect storm may be on the horizon that could spell disaster for the healthcare industry.

The Other Side of the Story

On the other hand, some healthcare industry officials don’t believe the jobs bill will have an effect on healthcare jobs – even if Medicare and Medicaid are cut drastically. They cite the fact that people still need healthcare services, whether or not the government helps them pay for them. Resourceful Americans will find a way to get their healthcare and to make sure it’s paid for. And even in cases when that’s not possible, we are not a nation that allows our people to suffer unnecessarily. As long as there are people, there will be healthcare jobs.

Those who take this view point to countries like Germany and France where governments have realized they need to stop spending so much on healthcare. As a result, private enterprises have begun to spring up to fill in the gaps. And they are hiring.

Despite the potentially bumpy road ahead, health care facilities are continuing to add jobs. As mentioned previously, healthcare is one of the few industries that have continued to grow over the last couple of years, and statistics from the federal labor department indicate that the need for workers will only continue to grow over the next 5 to 10 years. Healthcare jobs will always be available; the only question is what types of jobs they will be. Only time will tell.

MBA in Healthcare Management – The Right Course for a Bright Future

Healthcare is one of the sectors that are not affected even during recession havoc. Obviously, demand for healthcare professionals will be there as long as there is life. It is an evergreen field and getting an MBA in healthcare management is a great way to move up the ladder. It bestows you a lucrative and responsible career. Besides enjoying monetary benefits, you get fulfillment in helping people.

The duties of an administrator include supervising, planning and managing the services of medical professionals. An administrator needs to work directly with the employees and maintain the operations of financial practices and database procedures. Besides he/she has ethical responsibilities as well. Undergoing an MBA healthcare management, student can understand the medical field and learn to handle these tasks effectively.ly.

Learning Objective of the Program:

The main objective of the program is to be familiar with the health care systems. It covers various fields including law and legislation, marketing, efficient management, and budget planning. The curricula focus on developing skills that are required to manage healthcare facilities and solve the problems related to running the firm. The comprehensive training help the course takers to get acquainted with the latest management techniques and developments in the healthcare industry. Since, the program is based on real situations on how to manage the problems arise in the health care system, gaining an MBA in this arena gives you an edge over your competitors.

Administration, clinical decision making, clinical supervision, communication skills, control strategy measures are some of the major subjects that form the part of the curriculum. In addition to learning the policies and procedures, the course focuses on the economic basis of management of health facilities. The financial side of the program includes accounting, marketing, health economics and finance in healthcare management. Students will get practical training in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, etc. Gaining hands on training help the students know the real situations that occur in a health institution.

Career opportunities:

Getting an MBA in healthcare management bestow you a diverse career options in various health institutions, including healthcare firms, hospices, Non Governemnt Organizations, health care centers, ambulatory services, pharmaceutical consultants, socio-medical trusts. You can get a wide range of working opportunities like hospital manager, head of patient care services, marketing and public affairs in pharmacies. Pharmacy manager, etc.

Ever increasing population, a soaring rate of diseases and pollution make a challenging time for health care administration. The skilled and certified professionals are need of the hour to handle the ongoing situation in the healthcare industry efficiently. As a result, MBA healthcare management has become a rewarding option.

Healthcare Compliance Understanding Hipaahitech Regulatory Controls

Security is a major cause of concern in today”s techno savvy global corporate environment. With organizations and healthcare facilities going towards a paperless environment, most of the information transfer and storage is in digital formats. Organizations, healthcare institutions and hospitals are faced with security challenges of their records and personnel. The need to protect the privacy of employees or patients involves a critical issue of the access to the electronic information.

Through a forward looking approach with view to address the current problems of IT compliance and security requirements of the healthcare industry and corporate sectors, various regulatory controls were put in place. This includes healthcare compliance in the form of Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, signed as a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Act, besides adding requirements for security breaches, has also laid down security standards for maintaining electronic health records. This Act also expands the privacy provisions beyond the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) Act.

Tthe HIPAA act was enacted in 1996 in the United States among other things to protect the health insurance coverage for employees and their next of kin in case of change of workplace or retrenchment. With the widespread use of electronic data exchange, HIPAA also made provisions for health care providers, insurance companies and employers to confirm to national standards in electronic health care transactions, so as to maintain high level of security. However, since the integrity of data is at risk by technological enhancements, the HIPAA healthcare act has transaction and code rules besides a number of standards and guidelines for the organizations to maintain the privacy and security of sensitive health information.

Though considered a boon to the security of healthcare information, these regulatory systems offer the entities a number of challenges too. The use of compliance management software developed by experts in the field will help organizations streamline and automate compliance initiatives. Further organizations have also made use of smart cards to identify access to the electronic documents. Such holistic enterprise-wide approach is needed for effective controls

Conformance to HIPPA/HITECH regulatory controls ensure Information security and healthcare regulatory compliance. These Acts address the security and privacy issues in healthcare industry. HITECH applies to the business associates too. Under such provisions, the business associates are also accountable for any data breaches and face penalties for non-compliance.

Rising E-health Services Boosting Us Healthcare It Market

US healthcare IT market is witnessing significant growth from the past few years. The market is propelling on the back of rising number of E-health services in the country. The use of E-health services is increasing due to rising penetration of internet and broadband in the country. Further, the E-health market is performing on the back of rising adoption of market components, such as EHRs/EMRs, health information exchanges (HIE) and e-Prescription. In addition, the government is also talking various initiatives to develop the E – health market in the country. Besides, the e health market will continue to grow in the coming years due to rising health concerns and increasing awareness among population. Therefore, considering the above factors, it is projected that the US E-healthcare market will grow at a CAGR of around 11% during the forecast period 2013-2017.

According to our research report, US Healthcare IT Market Outlook to 2017, the market is growing tremendously on the back of technology advancements and strong government support. Rising opportunities in remote patient monitoring and medical imaging information system are also propelling its growth. Our report provides the detailed analysis of healthcare IT market performance including its segment such as healthcare IT hardware, healthcare IT software and healthcare IT services.

In addition, it also covers the study of components of the market including M-health, remote patient monitoring and medical imaging information system. It also provides the thorough analysis of emerging trends that are boosting the healthcare IT market in the country. Further, the report also includes analysis of potential growth areas of the market along with regulatory framework.

Our report, US Healthcare IT Market Outlook to 2017, offers the detailed analysis of key market players that will help the client to have an understanding of the competitors in the Industry. Additionally, we have also covered the key developments of these players in the country. Overall, the report presents a comprehensive look at the sectors past, present, and future scenario.

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An Outlook On The Colour Designed For Healthcare

Every industry is different from others and this difference is clearly visible in terms of business operations, turnovers, employees, target market segments, and different industrial scenarios. When it comes to use paint and colors for different industries, there are heavy difference in the types of paint and colors we use. For example, you cannot paint a commercial complex with a color suited for healthcare industry. Now you can easily determine what I am talking about. Paints are just meant to cover up the roughness of a wall but much more than that. Paints tend to bring life to walls of a room or a building. The paint you symbolize your life style and your sense of creativity.

Over the past few years, there has been tremendous improvement in the painting industry. Not only the quality of paints but the way we used to look at the paints has changed a lot. Now paints are considered as a strong medium to bring great change in the appearance of a place. This is why painting is considered as the cheapest and most effective way of bringing a succulent visual appeal to a building. If you want to give your business a head start, it is better to discover a new business avenue through painting.

Healthcare industry is one of the industries that play a crucial role in defining the growth of a nation. This is why there are specific colour designed for healthcare industry. You cannot use any color scheme for hospitals and medical institutes. A healthcare institute is a place where patients come for treatment and they can only be treated in a calm and lively environment. If you use dull colors in rooms, their mind will always remain in a despaired state. This is where a professional paint expert can help you come out of this riddle.

There are many paint manufacturing companies in the market that give new insights to healthcare industry by suggesting color schemes designed for healthcare industry. There are experts who guide other businesses at every step in painting work. For better output, seeking professional help is really helpful as then only you will be able to discover a new world for you. Internet has also emerged out as a major platform for individuals and companies looking out do something different with colors. Finding the right color scheme or colour manufacturer worldwide is not a big deal.