Dheeraj Bhojwani Group Provides Best Healthcare Facilities For Spine Surgery In India

Spine surgery in India goes beyond its former limits at Dheeraj Bhojwani Group health group in Mumbai. Dheeraj Bhojwani Group Orthopedics Clinic offers a wide range of premium services including orthopedic consultation and diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and physiotherapy making use of the latest hi-technology medical facilities. With an international reputation for spinal surgery Dheeraj Bhojwani Group health group provides the very highest standards of clinical skills and nursing care and best healthcare facilitiesfor spinal operations such ascervical, thoracic and lumbar operations and ensures that patients receive the finest treatment inspine surgery in India.

Why is Spine surgery needed?
The spine is one of the most important structures in our body, as it acts as the first barrier protecting the spinal cord. The spinal cord is a column of nerves that connects the brain with the rest of our bodies and allows us to control our movements; therefore, if the spinal cord is distressed in any way, it can cause pain and lead to disability.Disc fractures and lumbar spine stenosis are the most common spinal disorders and can cause nerve compression or nerve irritation that can lead to lower back pain and pain around the posterior hip or leg, causing numbness and weakness in the leg muscles. Patients who experience spinal discomfort or disorders can get treated with spine surgery using new, innovative technology, and appropriate continuous treatment.

Back pain treatment:

Back painispainfelt in thebackthat usually originates from themuscles,nerves,bones,jointsor other structures in thespine. Back problems are one of the most common reasons to see doctors. Approximately 80% of people experience back pain during their lifetime and for those with chronic conditions spine surgery may be an option. There are various spine operations to relieve back pain caused by nerve compression. The exact operation that is needed depends on the cause of the pain. Some of the most common procedures are a discectomy, nerve root or spinal decompression and spinal fusion.

Spine surgery in India: Spine surgery is a branch of orthopedic surgery which concentrates on treatment of the back and spine. Spine Surgery inIndia with Dheeraj Bhojwani Group health grouphelps patients with their back pains related treatments. The operation is done in a highly clinical, yet safe, friendly, and relaxing manner. Patient can rest assured to get only the best possible result because surgeons team consists of only highly dedicated, certified orthopedic specialists. After the operation, Dheeraj Bhojwani Group health group also offers with excellent service in rehabilitation and physiotherapy where highly-trained staff helps in every step of therapy with the finest care combined with their post- discharge recuperative holidays.

To know more about getting spine surgery in India visit us at or mail your quires at [emailprotected] you can also call us at +91-9579143422

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