Healthcare Industry China Animal Feed Industry Research Report

Animal products such as meat, milk and eggs are an expensive source of food as compared to stable crops. Due to this, the consumption of animal protein in the developing nations is well below the world average. However, the transition in the economies of these countries has lead to growth in disposable income, purchasing power and the consequential rise in demand for animal protein. Food consumption level is now considered a clear indicator of the size of a country’s population and the health of its economy. China is by far the best example to highlight the validity of this point.

China continues to develop and is rapidly becoming a stronger economy. The sophistication and rising standard of living of the population has resulted in a change in dietary patterns. China is the world’s largest consumer of meat and is nearly self sufficient in meeting its requirements. Livestock production has been growing faster than any other agricultural sub-sector in China in recent decades, mainly due to the substantial growth of pig and poultry industries. To support its large number of livestock, the country requires animal feed in quantity and quality. This is the most important reason behind the growth of the animal feed industry in China.

The 6 broad categories of animal species for which feed is specifically manufactured in China are pig, boiler poultry, layer poultry, aquatic animals, ruminant and feed for other animals such as horses and pets. Since China is the largest market in the world for pork, pig feed is the major segment within animal feed in the country. Furthermore, the consumption of chicken is increasing rapidly, thereby amplifying demand for boiler poultry. However, feed for aquatic species is the fastest growing segment owing to the booming aquaculture sector in China.

-Due to the development of China’s economy, the population is increasingly being able to afford animal protein and is constantly adding the same to their diets. Subsequently, animal feed is required both in quantity and in quality to support the livestock in the country.– according to the research report -China Animal Feed Industry Review to 2018- Thriving Aquaculture Sector to Accelerate Growth’ by Ken Research

The report provides detailed overview on compound feed, concentrate feed and premixes and additives, in addition to feed for specific animal species in China and helps readers in identifying the ongoing trends in the key segments of the industry and anticipated growth in future depending upon changing industry dynamics in coming years. The report will aid industry consultants, animal feed companies, marketing companies and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in future.

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Contact Person: Ankur Gupta

Tenet Healthcare Still Settling Katrina Cases

Over half a decade after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Tenet Healthcare Corp. has ultimately settled a class action lawsuit that had been filed against the corporation.

This class action suit mentioned that the healthcare firm which was taking care of patients at Memorial Medical Centre wasn’t prepared for the loss of electrical power following the storm.rm.

In addition to this, it had been explained how the company didn’t adhere to correct evacuation plans, and didn’t take additional needed emergency actions.

As soon as the power had been cut and the levees gave in, the middle of the town started to overflow, and temperatures inside rose to over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit.

This situation left employees and patients trapped without a way of opening the windows or getting aid. The center waited four days for rescuers to arrive, and consequently for many it was too late.

Forty-five bodies had been collected from the medical centre after the storm, the highest quantity from any medical center in the region.

Due to the overwhelming number of deaths, the medical center was placed under significant critique. The Louisiana Attorney General, Charles Foti had three physicians arrested for second-degree murder.

Just after going to the courts, the doctors were discharged, and one of them is already in the process of suing Foti for damage and defamation to her career.

Nevertheless, the employer of those three physicians, Tenet Healthcare Corp. has been in the courts for class actions a number of times since Hurricane Katrina.

They have settled eleven other court cases handling the fundamental matter of neglect. The most current lawsuit which achieved a settlement on Wednesday was concerning Preston and Tenet.

A spokesman for Tenet has claimed the arrangement is “amicable” though no official information have been revealed since the judge still needs to accept the ruling.

All in all, Tenet Healthcare Corp. had to pay over $150 million in damages during the hurricane. Half a dozen of Tenet’s hospitals had been damaged, and the firm had planned to sell several of them around the New Orleans region prior to 2007.

This has been a hard number of years for the Preston family and for the New Orleans region generally. Because of in excess of 1,800 deaths and over $80 billion in damages, the “Big Easy” is still rebuilding even now.

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Tej Kohli Foundation Works To Provide Healthcare To India’s Poorest People

A recent review of public healthcare spending indicates that India ranks 171 out of 175 countries in the amount of money spent. India spends less than 5.2 percent of the GDP – 4.3 percent is contributed by the private sector leaving the government to spend only 0.9 percent on public healthcare.

While India has made great economic strides over the past decade, it is still the poorest country in the world with 51 percent of its population or 844 million people living in oppressive poverty. While the economic development of the country is proceeding at a sound pace, the health of the population is dropping. The urgent need to provide basic healthcare to India’s most impoverished people is a concern of many different humanitarian and religious relief groups.

The Tej Kohli Foundation, a privately funded non-profit humanitarian relief organization based in Guragaon, India, is one of the many charities offering aid and assistance to thousands of India’s poorest children. Compelled by an awareness of the need and by a heartfelt desire to help make the world a healthier, happier place, India born entrepreneur Tej Kohli established the foundation in 2005. Entirely financially funded by Mr. Kohli, the Tej Kohli Foundation attempts to lift the burden of poverty by providing food, educational opportunities, clean drinking water, adequate sanitation and medical services to India’s poorest people.

Tej Kohli, visionary philanthropist, international businessman and chief donor to the Tej Kohli Foundation notes, “Children determine the future. If a country nurtures these children’s talents from a young age, it will be capable of raising its living standards. The Tej Kohli Foundation cannot cater to each and every child in India but we hope our work will encourage our country to unite and make life better for Indian children”.

Staffed by a compassionate group of dedicated volunteers, the Tej Kohli Foundation strives to reduce poverty and illiteracy, launching education and health programs in both India and Costa Rica. The Tej Kohli Foundation operates on the premise that -the desire to help others is a primary human drive that, if harnessed correctly, inestimably benefits those who receive it.- Holding a diverse portfolio of commercial and charitable operations in India, the Americas, the Middle East and Europe, Tej Kohli is an international businessman and compassionate philanthropist; a shining example of -compassion in action.-

“I’m just happy to help spread a little bit of happiness into their lives,” says Tej. “And as we grow we’ll help a lot more people have a chance at a lasting, brighter future.”

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Universal Healthcare The Pros And Cons

Universal Healthcare is being strongly considered in the United States. Universal Healthcare basically means that every citizen will be eligible for health coverage, regardless of their ability to pay for it. There are pros and cons of such a system.

First of all, let’s take a look at the pros of Universal Healthcare (also known as Socialized Medicine). The benefits are fairly obvious. If we cover each and every citizen with affordable or free health insurance, they will be able to maintain their health regardless of their income.

One major advantage of such as system is that it can literally save lives. People die in our country each day because they cannot afford healthcare. And that includes working Americans. That is a travesty! It’s heartbreaking that there are millions of people who are contributing tax dollars to our national economy who are not in turn given their most basic need: maintenance of their health.

It almost seems obvious that it’s time to take the cue from Canada and implement Universal Healthcare. Their citizens seem to be fairly happy with the system, and it has been saving lives there on a daily basis.

However, as is true with any system (no matter how good a system it is), no healthcare solution is without fault. There are some notable disadvantages to Universal Healthcare which are worth acknowledging.

One negative side effect to providing universal healthcare is that spreading something too thin causes it to lose its inherent value. If we try to spread out our healthcare, it is possible that the quality of care will go down. Why? Because the hospitals and doctors offices will have more patients to deal with!

Naturally, no doctor would deliberately decrease his or her quality of care. Unfortunately, however, if your patient count multiplies, it can be hard to keep up. This could be overcome by the increased funding from the government under a socialized system, since that could cover a boost in medical staffing.

The other disadvantage that could result from Universal Healthcare is a lack of availability of care, causing a decrease in access to healthcare for everyone, including those who could afford to pay for it. There could be waiting lists that could prevent people from getting the care they need.

At the end of the day, we have to decide if the few drawbacks are worth it, in order to help out our fellow Americans who cannot afford to have any care whatsoever.