The Future Of The Home Healthcare Equipment Market To 2016 – Market Forecasts, Competitive Landscape

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GBI Researchs report, The Future of the Home Healthcare Equipment Market to 2016 – Increasing Awareness Driving Demand provides key data, information and analysis on the global home healthcare equipment market. The report provides market landscape, competitive landscape and market trends information on seven home healthcare equipment market segments glucose monitoring systems, insulin delivery devices, inhalation systems, hematology rapid tests, automatic sphygmomanometers and remote patient monitoring. The report provides comprehensive information on the key trends affecting these categories, and key analytical content on the market dynamics. The report also reviews the competitive landscape, key pipeline products and technology offerings.

This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by GBI Researchs team of industry experts.

Key geographies covered include the US (United States), Canada, the UK (United Kingdom), Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, China, India, Australia, and Brazil.
Market size and company share data for seven home healthcare equipment market categories glucose monitoring systems, insulin delivery devices, inhalation systems, hematology rapid tests, automatic sphygmomanometers and remote patient monitoring.
Annualized market revenues data from 2002 to 2009, forecast forward for 7 years to 2016. Company shares data for 2008
Qualitative analysis of key market trends, market drivers, and restraints by each category within the home healthcare equipment market.
The report also covers information on the leading market players, the competitive landscape, and the leading pipeline products and technologies.

Reasons to buy
Develop business strategies by understanding the trends and developments that are driving the home healthcare equipment market globally.
Design and develop your product development, marketing and sales strategies.
Exploit M&A opportunities by identifying market players with the most innovative pipeline.
Develop market-entry and market expansion strategies.
Identify key players best positioned to take advantage of the emerging market pportunities.
Exploit in-licensing and out-licensing opportunities by identifying products, most likely to ensure a robust return.
Whats the next being thing in the home healthcare equipment market landscape? Identify, understand and capitalize.
Make more informed business decisions from the insightful and in-depth analysis of the global home healthcare equipment market and the factors shaping it.

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Universal Healthcare The Pros And Cons

Universal Healthcare is being strongly considered in the United States. Universal Healthcare basically means that every citizen will be eligible for health coverage, regardless of their ability to pay for it. There are pros and cons of such a system.

First of all, let’s take a look at the pros of Universal Healthcare (also known as Socialized Medicine). The benefits are fairly obvious. If we cover each and every citizen with affordable or free health insurance, they will be able to maintain their health regardless of their income.

One major advantage of such as system is that it can literally save lives. People die in our country each day because they cannot afford healthcare. And that includes working Americans. That is a travesty! It’s heartbreaking that there are millions of people who are contributing tax dollars to our national economy who are not in turn given their most basic need: maintenance of their health.

It almost seems obvious that it’s time to take the cue from Canada and implement Universal Healthcare. Their citizens seem to be fairly happy with the system, and it has been saving lives there on a daily basis.

However, as is true with any system (no matter how good a system it is), no healthcare solution is without fault. There are some notable disadvantages to Universal Healthcare which are worth acknowledging.

One negative side effect to providing universal healthcare is that spreading something too thin causes it to lose its inherent value. If we try to spread out our healthcare, it is possible that the quality of care will go down. Why? Because the hospitals and doctors offices will have more patients to deal with!

Naturally, no doctor would deliberately decrease his or her quality of care. Unfortunately, however, if your patient count multiplies, it can be hard to keep up. This could be overcome by the increased funding from the government under a socialized system, since that could cover a boost in medical staffing.

The other disadvantage that could result from Universal Healthcare is a lack of availability of care, causing a decrease in access to healthcare for everyone, including those who could afford to pay for it. There could be waiting lists that could prevent people from getting the care they need.

At the end of the day, we have to decide if the few drawbacks are worth it, in order to help out our fellow Americans who cannot afford to have any care whatsoever.