Us Healthcare It Market Exhibiting Double-digit Growth

US healthcare IT market is growing immensely due to declining costs of HIT systems implementation, stricter government regulations and huge incentives for implementation. Moreover, current industry trends such as emergence of cloud computing in healthcare IT, growing strategic collaborations and rapid technological upgradation in the industry are also playing pivotal roles in the development of countrys healthcare IT market. Considering the above factors, the US healthcare IT market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of around 10% during 2014-2018.

The report, US Healthcare IT Market Outlook 2018, spread over 95 pages, covers a comprehensive research and thorough analysis of US healthcare IT market. The report provides a critical analysis and an unbiased view into the state of the countrys healthcare IT industry, including the current and future market size for various industry segments. The report features market analysis of HIT segments (hardware, software and services) coupled with the in-depth analysis of major HIT components. These components comprises of hospital information system (it covers EMR, CPOE, CDSS, MIIS), pharmacy information system and laboratory information system.

Further, our study delves into the potential growth areas of healthcare IT market in the country which would help the client to get deeper information about the industry. In addition to that, various regulations have been covered in the report which are affecting industry growth or may affect in the future.

Also, we have covered an in-depth analysis of competitive landscape covering business overview, key financials, strength & weakness analysis and recent developments of major healthcare IT vendors of the country. Overall, the report would facilitate clients in analyzing the driving forces and understand the existing opportunities in the industry.

Some of the key findings of the report are:

– Rising Merger and Acquisitions to augment market growth
– Declining cost of implementation propelling HIT adoption
– Government incentives driving rapid growth in US Healthcare IT

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Emr – Shaping The Future Of Healthcare

We all are aware of how the CMS multimillion dollar plan for EMR adoption created waves in the Healthcare IT industry. EMR was a proven tool to optimize practice operations and workflows. Large hospital corporations and technology enthusiasts were already reaping its benefits long before the government’s incentive program. Within the last two and a half years, EMR has managed to change the face of the Healthcare industry in the US. The adoption rates are now higher than ever. With the introduction of affordable, web-based EMR solutions, smaller practices can now look to automate their clinical and administrative processes as well.

While a practice may benefit from cost savings and improved productivity, the real benefactors are the patients themselves. An EMR offers increased quality of care through built-in interaction checks, improved accountability and ease of access, thus the future of healthcare backed by EMRs looks very promising indeed.
With increased focus on EDI and security, it is easier to anticipate what may come next. Healthcare portals are slowly gaining popularity amongst patients. With access to electronic personal health record, a patient is remains informed. The CMS wants to establish a new, more efficient method for care delivery by promoting online healthcare information exchange. This is also keenly reflected within the meaningful use objectives for stage 1 and the proposed stage 2.

Utilizing the technology available today, physician-patient interaction can be transformed completely. Integrated EMR Portals remove care delivery barriers and keep patients synchronized with real-time data to manage their health better. These may include online follow ups along with clinical alerts and reminders through instant messaging (email and text). With patients already using a patient portal to book their appointments, access lab results, request prescription refills and review visit notes, the next step may be a completely virtual clinical checkup.

With the development in online healthcare information exchange, patients can manage their health better and transport vital health information anywhere, anytime. EMR is definitely changing the healthcare system and a lot of us are just beginning to realize its significance, with the dawn of a new era of accountable and accessible care for all.