The Evolution Of Healthcare Services & Software Development

How Healthcare Industry has evolved till now?

Digitization of the healthcare system has been an inevitable change just like in any other industry. Any organization when it expands, irrespective of the industry, needs to manage a lot of internal departments for coordination & smooth operations. In healthcare industry for example, there are a lot of challenges that requires the role of Healthcare Business Intelligence.

Adoption of IT came in different phases in the industry. Healthcare Software Development changed & improved with every phase.

The first phase brought technology into tasks which were repetitive and could do with standardization & automation like software for accounting & HR ( which includes payroll, hiring, reimbursements etc.).

Then came the phase where IT was evolved in two major ways. Firstly there was better coordination between various departments within an organization. And, secondly healthcare companies could easily integrate with their suppliers thus helping them a great deal in supply chain management. The healthcare application services & software that was introduced then may not have made an impact immediately, but was certainly a foundation for the healthcare software development in the years to come.

The third phase which is the ongoing phase for those looking after healthcare business intelligence. Many organizations have entered into this phase where there is complete digitization of processes & channels. The technology today has more power than in simply help in complete normal functions of an organization. technology has enabled people to do the tasks more valuable for them, letting the healthcare application services , say in the healthcare industry, take care of the rest.

The third phase focused more on the needs & convenience of the patients and less on the processes unlike the first two phases. This helped build a fully integrated & proper digitized healthcare system.
Now that even the patients are getting the hang of the healthcare IT system and in fact finding it more handy, it’s time institutions to get completely acquainted with technology and go all in.

It’s incorrect if hospitals and other healthcare institutes still believe that patients don’t want to utilize healthcare application services as it involves medical care which is a sensitive issue, and only use them specific cases. On the other hand, the lack of use of services is due to the nature of the services provided & not medical care. What is needed then isn’t a change of mindset, which has already taken place after the digitization of every other industry, but to bring improvement in the healthcare software development.