Healthcare Industry Asia-Pacific Cosmeceuticals Industry Research Report

The desire of each individual to retain a youthful appearance has stipulated the demand for cosmeceuticals which can neither be categorized as cosmetics or pharmaceuticals, thus strengthening the market for cosmeceuticals in Asia Pacific region. The utility of cosmeceuticals has considerably risen in recent years. This radically inclined the techniques of clinician in improving the treatment of skin, hair and other conditions. The value growth of cosmeceutical products over the years has been impelled by changing consumer perception. Asian men are becoming considerable consumers of dermaceutical products, providing opportunities for various companies that feature men’s lines such as skin care, shaving and other products.

The distribution of cosmeceutical products through various online channels has grown at a rapid pace in the past few years. Departmental stores and hypermarkets in the past have played a vital role in the development of dermaceutical product market.

The cosmeceuticals market in Asia-Pacific region will grow rapidly from 2013-2017, as people in the countries of India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia have become health conscious and desire to look fair and young. The industry forecast shows strong growth in skin care and hair care segments and also significant growth is expected in other niche areas such as lip protection and teeth whitening in Asia-Pacific region.

Clinical research combined with innovative expansion of new ingredients in the medicated hair care and skin care products will maintain the cosmeceutical segment of the cosmetics market attractive and lucrative.

The report titled -Asia-Pacific Cosmeceuticals Industry Forecast to 2017 – Medicated Cosmetics Present Bright Prospects- offers a detailed study of the Asian cosmeceuticals market and help to analyze further prospects in the various parts of the region. It facilitate the cosmeceutical producers, marketers and emerging companies to understand market trends by geography and by product lines to form strategies, make new alliances, expand product line and audience to target. Statistical information provides deep understanding of industry past performance, present and future prospects on account of changing economic conditions and shifting consumer buying habits.

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Contact Person: Ankur Gupta


Tej Kohli Foundation Works To Provide Healthcare To India’s Poorest People

A recent review of public healthcare spending indicates that India ranks 171 out of 175 countries in the amount of money spent. India spends less than 5.2 percent of the GDP – 4.3 percent is contributed by the private sector leaving the government to spend only 0.9 percent on public healthcare.

While India has made great economic strides over the past decade, it is still the poorest country in the world with 51 percent of its population or 844 million people living in oppressive poverty. While the economic development of the country is proceeding at a sound pace, the health of the population is dropping. The urgent need to provide basic healthcare to India’s most impoverished people is a concern of many different humanitarian and religious relief groups.

The Tej Kohli Foundation, a privately funded non-profit humanitarian relief organization based in Guragaon, India, is one of the many charities offering aid and assistance to thousands of India’s poorest children. Compelled by an awareness of the need and by a heartfelt desire to help make the world a healthier, happier place, India born entrepreneur Tej Kohli established the foundation in 2005. Entirely financially funded by Mr. Kohli, the Tej Kohli Foundation attempts to lift the burden of poverty by providing food, educational opportunities, clean drinking water, adequate sanitation and medical services to India’s poorest people.

Tej Kohli, visionary philanthropist, international businessman and chief donor to the Tej Kohli Foundation notes, “Children determine the future. If a country nurtures these children’s talents from a young age, it will be capable of raising its living standards. The Tej Kohli Foundation cannot cater to each and every child in India but we hope our work will encourage our country to unite and make life better for Indian children”.

Staffed by a compassionate group of dedicated volunteers, the Tej Kohli Foundation strives to reduce poverty and illiteracy, launching education and health programs in both India and Costa Rica. The Tej Kohli Foundation operates on the premise that -the desire to help others is a primary human drive that, if harnessed correctly, inestimably benefits those who receive it.- Holding a diverse portfolio of commercial and charitable operations in India, the Americas, the Middle East and Europe, Tej Kohli is an international businessman and compassionate philanthropist; a shining example of -compassion in action.-

“I’m just happy to help spread a little bit of happiness into their lives,” says Tej. “And as we grow we’ll help a lot more people have a chance at a lasting, brighter future.”

Healthcare Management Is A Course Beyond The Medical Terminologies

Healthcare in India is growing rapidly. Individuals have started taking immense interest in this field. To a common man healthcare is just getting sick, referring to a physician and taking the medicines. But actually healthcare is vast sector. It involves support of various healthcare officials. With fast changing standard of living, people have started taking health issues in a serious way. The growing number of health related issues has given rise to healthcare centers like nursing homes and clinics. Any healthcare center cannot run single handedly by the doctor, nurse or technician only. To deliver smooth healthcare solutions, it requires hard working management team which handles entire set of administrative tasks which helps the patients to take advantage of healthcare facilities. To fulfill the demand of healthcare managers, Healthcare Management Training institutes are making effort to groom the professionals who can match the pace of fast growing healthcare industry. The growing interest of individuals in healthcare has made it a rewarding career option in India.

With the growing need of world class health facilities, students are opting for courses in healthcare management which in turn can give a good start to their careers. These courses dont merely cover medicine knowledge but also put focus on the management techniques that help in delivering high success. Management course in healthcare does not limit the job option to any healthcare center only; it rather opens the career options in various organizations such as health insurance offices, clinics, rehabilitation centers, psychological health firms, consulting organizations, child care centers, NGOs etc. Trained healthcare professionals can also opt for teaching jobs in colleges or educational institutions for imparting training to the students.

Healthcare management India aims at improving the technologies that work to provide best services to the patients. Through management courses individuals are trained to take care of every block of work efficiently. Their primary focus is to improve the care of the patient. These management courses make the students familiar with the use of software technology which helps them to store the patient record and retrieve it as and when required. For e.g. by having record of medical history and prescription list of the patient, medical specialists can get in to the root of the disease and provide the best treatment accordingly. Apart from software skills it also imparts training on resource management, human resource, finance handling, people management, stock management i.e. maintaining the record of drugs, medicines, medical equipments etc.

These courses help the professionals to think and bring innovative ideas which can improve the healthcare system. Through healthcare management courses one can gain the knowledge to plan, manage, coordinate and supervise the complete set of duties related to healthcare. All in all healthcare management course is like any other management courses that builds leadership skills and helps in gaining fast decision making and analytical power which in turn helps to understand the marketing practices and issues related to healthcare.

Managing Healthcare Activities Through Healthcare Educational Courses

Healthcare industry in India is growing fast which has made people to be more and more health conscious so that they can have healthy living for themselves and their family members. Medical facilities are also getting smarter as per the latest technologies, which cater to specific needs of the patients. This has in turn given rise to the demand of healthcare professionals who can manage the burden of healthcare related activities and provide timely service as and when required. Various institutes have launched healthcare management education courses that make the students to understand the importance of healthcare industry and its allied services. Courses are designed accordingly which give detailed understanding of the job role of executives involved in this sector.

The basic idea of all the courses lies in making the students to understand that the healthcare is not just related to hospitals it is now related to pharmaceutical companies, diagnostics, information technology, medical equipments manufacturing and supply as well. PGD Health Care Management course gives thorough understanding of management techniques applied in hospital and healthcare organizations. This course does not limit the study to mere medical terms; it gives broad vision and takes the thought level to different direction which includes management skills. The duration of this course is ten months. By doing this course one can expand the job opportunities as well. Aspiring executives should scroll down the job portals that offer lucrative jobs offers in clinics, healthcare associations, nursing homes, hospitals, consulting firms, rehabilitation centers, colleges, universities and many more areas.

Simultaneously MBA in Health Care Management prepares the students with the solid background of effective management skills. They also have ample of chance to in various sectors apart from healthcare industry. Multinational companies are in search of doctors; consultants who are carry out or supervise wellness programs run for the wellness of their employees. Management course trains the students to plan and implement new innovations which helps in providing solutions to the pain areas. These courses are specifically designed to handle all the activities that lead to customer satisfaction. These courses acquaint the students with managerial activities i.e. business administration, stock management, healthcare services, pharmaceutical management by giving them leadership experience.

Graduates or final year students with background unrelated to medicine like engineering, commerce or economics can also opt for these courses. MBA in Health Care Management course is designed with international standpoint which in turn increases the chances of getting the jobs worldwide. Person with sound knowledge can earn a faculty position in hospital administration department in medical colleges or health institutions. PGD Health Care Management course also imparts training on utility services and quality management. It also notifies its students with National health policies. Health institutions also run workshops, seminars and presentations which help the students to discover the current stage of healthcare industry. By being part of these workshops candidates get a chance to meet various healthcare industry specialists.

Healthcare Managers Serving Best In Healthcare Industry

Management courses are usually linked with developing business skills from an economic and finance point of view. A management professional is looked upon as an entrepreneur who utilizes the managerial skills, primarily technical and conceptual, with an aim to strengthen and expand the business. Looked upon as an exclusive branch of management, healthcare management entails leadership, management and administration of public health systems, health care systems, hospitals and hospital networks. Degree holders in healthcare management become health care administrators and are considered health care professionals.

Moreover, the curriculum includes some aspects of health care, areas of health care policy, international health care systems, financial system of health care, quality guarantee all taken together relating to the avoidance, healing and management of illnesses. It oversees the operations and output of healthcare facilities (hospitals, convalescent care, hospice and respite care).

India is witnessing a rapid growth of health care facilities in recent years. Along with this, corporatization also seems to be one of the reasons to trigger the growth of health care industry. So, this may be considered the apt time for a career in healthcare management India. Apart from financial security and satisfaction as Administrators, Executives, Coordinators, Planners, Marketers, Operation Managers, CFOs and CEOs, being attached to the health care industry in itself give an emotional satisfaction. These healthcare managers are groomed to work towards improving the health of the communities their organizations serve. The demand for healthcare management professionals in India is constantly on the rise. Students from any field are eligible to take up this healthcare education course after graduation. Healthcare industry is witnessing very quick changes. Unlike the previous scenario, it is now creating awareness among the masses as to how and where care is delivered and how the care is being financed.

Various healthcare education courses are offered, some as full time, some as part time and some online.
Full time courses:

M.Sc. in Clinical Research (a systematic study for new drugs to identify the positive and negative effects)
M.Sc. Pharmacovigilance Data Management (collecting and evaluating information from doctors and patients on the adverse effects of medicines, thus ensuring development of safe drugs that meet international standards)
Masters Health Administration
Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research
Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research and Pharmacovigilance

Part time courses:
Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research
Post Graduate Diploma in Healthcare Management
Online courses:
Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research
MBA Healthcare Management
MBA Clinical Research Management
Certificate courses in Clinical Research and for Clinical Investigators

Certificate in Medical Tourism (people travelling to another country for medical treatment, a combination of tourism with specialized medical care)
Certificate in Patient Care and Customer Services for Hospitals
Healthcare management also emphasizes on the development of clinical research in the country to meet the international standards of research and training. Tie-up with prestigious foreign universities makes the students of healthcare management India globally competitive.